Welcome to the LibGuide about Second Life (SL) a multi-user virtual environment (MUVE). Here you will find information and resources to help you discover SL and how it may be used in or out of the classroom.
This guide will continues to grow so your input is appreciated!
Alma Ortega, Librarian for History, Theology and Religious Studies, Medieval and Renaissance Studies, Spanish, Latin American Studies, Asian Studies, Ethnic Studies, TransBorder Institute, and Ministry.
Phone: 619. 260. 2259
Email: alma@sandiego.edu
Office: Copley Library Main Floor
Reference Desk Hours: Thursdays 4pm - 7pm; other hours vary
Call or e-mail for an appointment or drop by during my reference desk hours
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Friday 13 Feb 2009 from 12pm-2pm & from 2pm-5pm in Maher lower floor!