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DNP Information Resources

Core Databases for Nursing

Evidence Based Practice Databases

Additional Databases for Nursing and Allied Health Research

All USD Databases

The above is only a select list of USD databases most frequently used when reviewing the nursing literature.  There could be times when other databases would be helpful - for example if you were looking for information about nursing malpractice, you might want to search the database 'Nexis Uni.'

Copley Library's Databases A-Z

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A note about UpToDate: This is an excellent clinical resources, and they use a high level of evidence to support clinical decision making.  This resource gives a good overview of the best practices in care, and while it will refer to primary resources in the article reference lists, no articles in the database are original research.  So if your professor has indicated that you need a nursing research article (or primary literature) the articles found here will not be that source (although you could still use this information in other sections of your paper).

Citing UpToDate, APA 7th edition reference: 
Although not required for most APA references, UpToDate references must provide a retrieval date because the content changes over time while the URL remains the same.

Article Authors. (date). Article title. In. Editor (Ed.), UpToDate. Retrieved [date you accessed], from URL

Williams, J., & Nieuwsma, J. (2016). Screening for depression in adults. In J. A. Melin (Ed.), UpToDate. Retrieved February 1, 2017, from

  • In text: (Williams & Nieuwsma, 2016).