There is no one place to go to verify the validity of your journal articles, rather each article must be weighed on its own merits and what you know of the author, journal, and journal publisher. Here are a few things that weigh in favor of an article being more scholarly:
Article level -
Journal level -
For open access journals, inclusion of a journal title in the Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ) can be a positive indicator.
In addition to the above criteria, which can help you determine the 'scholarliness' of an article, you may also need to verify that the article has gone through a peer review process. Some databases, such as Academic Search Premier, allow you to click a check-box to say you only want peer reviewed journals, while others are less clear in making the distinction for peer review articles. Checking what the journal says about its process is a good next step.
Search the Journal's website for Author Guidelines. Peer reviewed journals should clearly list the peer review process:
*the above is an image of the journal Evolution, with a box outlining a portion of the text from the "instructions for authors" that specifically describes the peer review process articles undergo once submitted to the journal.*
Still not sure if your journal is peer reviewed? Ask a Librarian:
The habit is to "check your emotion" - if something it triggering a strong emotional reaction, it is probably a good idea to fact check the information before sharing.
Video from Oviatt Library at California State University: Types of Information (3:00)
Handout from York University: PARCA Test - one way of evaluating information that you find
Handout from Northeastern University discussing the types of periodicals (scholarly, professional, opinion, popular) and how to recognize them