When you perform a Google Scholar search, items available to you through USD will have a Get This Item at USD link.
Provides full text for over 2,940 scholarly publications including social sciences, humanities, education, computer sciences, engineering, language and linguistics, arts & literature, health sciences, and ethnic studies.
Education Source is designed to meet the needs of education students, professionals and policy makers. The collection provides indexing and abstracts for more than 2,850 academic periodicals and includes full text for more than 1,800 journals, 550 books and monographs, education-related conference papers, citations for over 4 million articles including book reviews and over 100,000 controlled and cross-referenced names of educational tests.
Access 2,800+ academic journals on JSTOR that span more than 60 disciplines across the humanities, social sciences, and natural sciences, along with more than 84,000 backlist titles from 100+ publishers, including Princeton, Yale, and California, and millions of primary sources.
The Premier package provides access to virtually all of the SAGE journal titles in the social sciences, business, humanities, medicine, physical and life sciences
Access over 300 journals in the Social Sciences and Humanities, as well as applied Science, Technology and Medicine.
Includes Science Citation Index Expanded, Social Sciences Citation Index, and Arts & Humanities Citation Index. It provides cited reference searching, the unique ISI search and retrieval feature that lets users track the literature forward and backward.
Includes access to over 2,500 journals in the social sciences, business, humanities, medicine, physical and life sciences.
Now that you have reviewed how to use the USD Copley Library, begin researching a learning design technology topic that you are interested in. Here are some ideas to get you started, but feel free to choose a different topic you'd like to explore:
Write a brief paper (approx 300 words) that describes how your knowledge or experience on the topic relates to the articles you found. If you don't have prior knowledge or experience on the topic, describe how you think the topic would be applied in a practical context and what you learned from your research.
Most of the assignments in your program will be graded using a rubric. A rubric is a scoring guide used to evaluate the quality of your work. Be sure to review the rubric before you submit any assignment to ensure you are meeting the assignment requirements.