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Learning Design and Technology

This guide supports the Master of Science in Learning Design and Technology program.

Featured Journals

About this guide

Welcome to the Learning Design & Technology program libguide! This guide will have helpful APA and research information for you. If you have questions or need help, please contact me via the "Email Me" box under my photo.

Table of Contents
  • Home: Guide overview & features social justice resources 
  • Finding Resources: Links & descriptions for recommended journals & databases
  • Citation Help: APA Style help & citation manager information
  • Tutorials: Guides for common databases & tools used by SOLES faculty, staff, & students
  • External Web Resources: Selected elearning websites and tools
  • Publishing Your Work: List of resources for those interested in publishing creative or scholarly work

Getting Started

The checklist below provides a few recommendations for browser bookmarks, extensions, & add-ons that will help ease your graduate transition & enrich your research experience.