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Social Justice Education

Guide supplements the coursework & research necessary to complete SOLES' Social Justice Education graduate program. Compiled while listening to Beyonce's Homecoming & Lemonade.

Resources for Grad Student Publishing

Is your research publishable?
  • Likely yes. There are thousands of academic journals with a nearly infinite scope of discipline, aims, and audiences. Choosing the right publication opportunity is one of the key skills you should develop as a scholar.
How will your research contribute to scholarly communication?
  • While some research addresses gaps, it is not required for innovation. Literature reviews, theoretical or conceptual frameworks, practitioner pieces, grey literature, and other content are just as valuable as empirical research.
  • Consider your audience. If you seek to impact K-12 pedagogy, publishing your work in teacher-accessible publications like Teacher Education Quarterly.
Is your research en vogue?
  • Research trends often dominate current scholarly conversations, e.g. artificial intelligence. Stay true to your research passions and do not try to force your research into an emerging or current trend if it's not applicable. Choose a publication that meets the aim of your research.
Select at least two potential publications appropriate for your work.
  • Consult with faculty and your librarian about publications.
  • Use a directory of publishing like Ulrich's or Cabell's to research journals.
  • Explore databases & publisher’s websites for journal scope & calls for papers.
  • Consider Open Access opportunities that require little to no article processing charges (APCs) or that may be covered by your university's OA agreements
  • Consider the journal's copyright policies. Do you retain copyright for the work or transfer copyright to the publisher?
Additional Journal Selection Resources (most major publishers will have author guidance on their website)
How long does it take to publish?
  • Publication times vary by multiple factors including
    • staffing (including reviewers)
    • publication's issue frequency (e.g., 3x per year)
    • number of manuscript revisions needed
  • Allot approximately a year from initial submission to publication. Be cautious of journals that promise quick publication timelines (less than 6 months) especially for a fee. These journals may be predatory.
What's the typical peer review process?