Handbooks are a good way to get started on the exegetical process. Search the catalog for handbook and exegesis. The following is a selection of the handbooks available in Copley.
Handbook of patristic exegesis : the Bible in ancient Christianity by Charles Kannengiesser CL Book Stacks BS500 .K34 2004 v.1-2
A handbook for basic biblical exegesis by R. Samuel Thorpe CL Book Stacks BS476 .T49 1999
Handbook to exegesis of the New Testament edited by Stanley E. Porter CL Book Stacks BS2331 .H35 1997
Biblical exegesis : a beginner's handbook by John H. Hayes, Carl R. Holladay CL Book Stacks BS476 .H35 1987
New Testament exegesis : a handbook for students and pastors by Gordon D. Fee CL Book Stacks BS476 .F38 1983
Old Testament exegesis : a guide to the methodology by Odil Hannes Steck ; translated by James D. Nogalski CL Book Stacks BS1174.2 .B3713 1998
Old Testament exegesis : a primer for students and pastors by Douglas Stuart CL Book Stacks BS476 .S83 1984
You can find bibles and commentaries in the Copley Library book stacks, beginning around BS75 and into BS500. Texts and commentaries for the Old Testament specifically begin around BS700 and go into the BS1200s. There are also several copies of biblical texts in the Copley Library Reference section.
The New Jerome Biblical commentary LIB USE ONLY - CL Reference - BS491.2 .N485 1990
The NRSV concordance unabridged : including the apocryphal/deuterocanonical books LIB USE ONLY - CL Reference - BS425 .K645 1991
The NIV exhaustive concordance LIB USE ONLY - CL Reference - BS425 .G62 1990
Best one - The New Strong's exhaustive concordance of the Bible : with main concordance, appendix to the main concordance, key verse comparison chart, dictionary of the Hebrew Bible, dictionary of the Greek Testament LIB USE ONLY - CL Reference - BS425 .S8 1984
Anchor Bible Dictionary - LIB USE ONLY CL Reference BS440 .A54 1992 one copy also availabe on Reserves
Theological Dictionary of the New Testament - LIB USE ONLY CL Reference BS2312 .T4713 1964 v.1-10
Theological Dictionary of the Old Testament - LIB USE ONLY CL Reference BS440 .B5713 1974 v.1-10
New Testament Abstracts - LIB USE ONLY CL Reference BS410 .N35 and an online version also available
Old Testament Abstracts - LIB USE ONLY CL Reference BS410 .N42 and an online version also available