Citing Your Sources
When writing a paper or creating a project, you need to cite everything that you did not write or create yourself. This includes articles, books, maps, videos, statistics. Citing your sources means that you follow a specific format to show what source you used.
Below are some examples in APA format:
Citing an article: Kim, D., & Ra, Y. (2015). What impacts success in college? Findings from the perceptions of Korean students. College Student Journal, 49(1), 161-168.
Citing a book: Santrock, J., & Halonen, J. (2010). Your guide to college success: Strategies for achieving your goals (6th ed.). Boston, MA: Wadsworth Cengage Learning.
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"USD's Writing Center is an inclusive community serving undergraduate and graduate students from all disciplines. In free, 45-minute to one-hour, one-on-one consultations, our experienced consultants provide critical reflection and constructive feedback during the multiple stages of the writing process, from planning to composing to revision. In this process, it is our goal to help students develop strategies for improving their writing, for gaining confidence in their writing and for developing educational independence."
Contact Information for the Writing Center:
(619) 260-4581