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Associated Student Government Print Textbooks Reserves Collection in Copley Library

This guide explains the Associated Student Government pilot project to offer print textbooks for two-hour use through Copley Library.

Finding print ASG Textbook Titles in the Library Catalog

To search for your print textbook title in the library catalog, you have several options:

  1. Search by the title of the textbook (if you know the exact title).   Ex. Campbell Biology
  2. Search by any other citation information (ex. textbook author, ISBN, etc.)
  3. Search by the course code. Ex. BIOL 240
    1. Search either in the Catalog tab on the library homepage       OR
    2. Search in the Reserves tab on the library homepage under Print Reserves.
  4. Search by ASG Textbooks Reserves or Associated Student Government Textbooks Reserves to get a complete list of the textbooks that Associated Student Government purchased.


How do I access eTextbooks?

Online eTextbooks offered by ASG are available through BibliU.  For a list of eTextbook titles in BibliU and access information, see this guide.