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Counseling & Marital and Family Therapy: Tests and Measurements

Introduction to Tests and Measurements

"The theory and instruments of assessment can be considered the very foundation of clinical investigation, applied research, and program evaluation" (Groth-Marnat & Wright, "Introduction," pg. 4).

Tests in the social sciences fall into two categories:

  • Published or commercially available tests are published by commercial test publishers. While you will be able to find reviews and descriptions of these tests - and sometimes sample items - the full tests are only available by direct purchase. Publishers often require purchasers to meet certain qualification standards or to receive training on test administration and scoring before permitting them to purchase certain tests. (See, for example, the Clinical Psychology Qualification Levels at Pearson Assessments.) The library does not collect commercial tests. While it is sometimes possible to obtain these measures through interlibrary services, students and faculty should usually contact test publishers directly.
  • Unpublished or noncommercial tests are not published and sold by commercial test publishers. Instead, they usually appear in books or journal articles. (from "Finding Tests and Measurements: Definitions")


Groth-Marnat, G., & Wright, A. J. (2016). Handbook of psychological assessment. John Wiley & Sons, Incorporated.

Titles at Copley Library

Note: Some of these books contain actual test instruments.

Find more by searching for "psychological tests" in Copley's catalog.

Databases for Finding Test & Measurement Information

*Note: These databases provide information such as descriptions, reviews, author, publisher, and other data. PsycTests has some test instruments, but it is a very limited quantity.

Most assessments are commercial products, or seekers must contact the corresponding author to obtain access. Occasionally, you may find a questionnaire included in a thesis' or dissertation's appendices. Search Theses and Dissertations Global for examples. Be sure to appropriately cite the dissertation used if you obtain the assessment from their work.

Websites related to finding tests and measures

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