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Theology and Religious Studies: Citing with Chicago/Turabian

Why do you need to cite?

Why cite?

Citations help your readers find the sources of the information you use to support your arguments

Citations help you find the sources of information used by others - this helps your research

Citations give credit to those researchers and writers whose work your own work relies on

Plagiarism is stealing and is very serious.  Read about it at

Chicago Style

Copley Library has the Chicago Manual of Style Online. The online guide includes access to the quick citation style notes, sample pages for formatting, and the basics of research and writing. You can find it in the Databases A-Z list.


For quick reference for Turabian, take a look at Chicago's Turabian Guide online. Turabian is a simplified presentation of the Chicago Style, and includes great advice for writers at the undergraduate and graduate student levels. The contents of Kate Turabian's A Manual For Writers is available within the Chicago Manual of Style Online, under "Librarian, Teacher, & Student Resources," then "Students." You can also find the print manual in Copley, at the reference desk and on the shelves.


The Purdue Online Writing Lab (OWL) is another great source for quick, online access to citation information in Chicago Style.