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Theology and Religious Studies: Citing Your Sources

Chicaco Manual of Style Online

You can find the Chicago Manual of Style online through Copley Library's list of databases here.

Turabian Citation Quick Guide

Chicago Citation Quick Guide

Parts of a citation

Each citation, no matter what type of source you are citing, will contain some information about what it is, who created it, and when it was created.


For Books:

  • Author(s) or Editor(s)
  • Title (don't forget subtitles!)
  • Edition (if there is more than one)
  • Publication Date
  • Publisher
  • Place of Publication

For Articles:

  • Author(s)
  • Title of Article(don't forget subtitles!)
  • Title of Journal in which the article appears
  • Publication Date
  • Volume and Issue numbers
  • Page numbers

For Websites:

  • Author(s), Editor(s), or Organization responsible for content
  • Title of website or article 
  • Creation, publication, or revision date
  • Date accessed
  • URL (if a persistent URL is available, use it)