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ACCT 492: Tax Consulting Simulation: Bloomberg Terminals

This guide provides links to library and web resources to support the tax competition for Sarah Lyon's accounting class.

Bloomberg Termainals

Bloomberg Codes for Tax Research
Mnemonic Code Description
BTAX Bloomberg Tax
CF Corporate Filings - EDGAR

Description and Location of Bloomberg Terminals

The Bloomberg Terminals are used by finance professionals for up-to-the-minute news and financial data on publicly traded companies. The Terminals at USD are available to current faculty, students, and staff and are to used for educational purposes only.

Locations on campus:

1) Knauss Center for Business Education, Rivetti and Zocco Financial Markets Lab, KCBE 314, 3rd Floor (48 terminals)

2) Copley Library, 2nd floor, near the information desk (1 terminal) 

> >To reserve the Bloomberg Terminal in the Library, click here.