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BUSN 101: Creating and Growing Sustainable Ventures: Setting Up Email Alerts

This guide provides links to Library resources.

Creating a Journal Alert - Business Source Premier

What is a Journal Alert?

A Journal Alert is where you can set automatic email alerts when a new issue becomes available. You must be signed in to set up the alert.

  • Harvard Business Review

  • Bloomberg Business Week

  • Forbes

Step 1:

Go to Copley Library website (Google "copley library")


Step 2: 

Click on Databases A-Z > Business Source Premier


Step 3:

Create a Sign In for the Database


Step 4:

Click on Publications


Step 5:

Search for your journal or magazine

Step 6:

Click Share > Email alert


Step 7:

Sign in. Add your email. 


Creating a Search Alert

What is a Search Alert?

Search Alerts is a way to set up automatic email alerts on topics of your choice.  

  • Oprah Winfrey

  • "corporate social responsibility"


Step 1:

Go to Copley Library website (Google "copley library")


Step 2: 

Click on Databases A-Z > Business Source Premier


Step 3:

Begin your search.


Step 4:

Click on the Share button & Select Email Alert


Step 5:

Sign in to your EBSCO Account


Step 6:

Add your email; Select frequency and Timeframe ("Articles published with the last")


Step 7:

Click Save Alert