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Health Care Informatics: Articles / Databases

Resources and helpful information specific to students in the Health Care Informatics graduate program

Carrie Fry

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Carrie Fry
(619) 260-2358

Reference or Citation Managers

A citation manager can help you organize and share the resources you find. Here are a few free examples:

Key Databases for Health Care Informatics

Databases with a Healthcare Emphasis:

Databases with a Computer/Technology Emphasis

Multidisciplinary Databases

Clinical and Evidence Based Practice Databases

All USD Databases

The above is a select list of USD databases most frequently used when reviewing the health care and informatics literature.  There could be times when other databases would be helpful - for example if you were looking for information the intersection of business and informatics, you might want to search the database 'Business Source Premier'

Copley Library's Databases A-Z

Not sure which database is best for your topic?  Ask a Librarian!


Finding Quality Research Articles

Time-saving Database Searching Tips

Linking Google Scholar to USD Library

Hahn Faculty Guide

Video Playlist of Individual Instruction