The Open Access Directory is a guide to open access resources and includes a number of lists of open access facts running the gamut from disciplinary repositories to higher education institutions with open access mandates for their faculty. The directory is hosted by Simmons College and maintained by the open access community.
Directory of Open Access Journals
Search articles across 10,000 open access peer-reviewed journals covering a variety of disciplines. To be included in the DOAJ, journals must meet strict criteria for transparency in their editorial and publishing processes.
Registry of Open Access Repositories
Explore open access institutional and disciplinary repositories from around the world.
An annual global event dedicated to increasing awareness of Open Access. OA Week will be held from October 19 - 25, 2015, and the website lists events that allow researchers and students to learn more about Open Access.
Scholarly Publishing and Academic Resources Coalition (SPARC)
An organization of academic and research libraries working to advocate for open, sustainable scholarly communication. The SPARC website provides the latest news on national and international developments in scholarly communication and publishing and houses resources for authors, students, administrators, and librarians.
Arts and Humanities Commons
Network of arts and humanities resources housed in hundreds of institutional repositories using the Digital Commons Platform.
Digital Public Library of America (DPLA)
Portal to a vast open collection of books, images, audio, video and other media digitized by libraries, archives, museums, and other cultural memory organizations from all over the United States.
Digital collections from cultural memory organizations in Europe.
History Data Service
Hosting service for historical datasets (e.g., census records), maps, and other resources.
OLAC (Open Language Archives Community)
Site providing access to language resources (e.g., recordings, dictionaries, annotations).
Oxford Text Archive
Repository of texts in a number of electronic formats (e.g., HTML, plain text, Kindle). Many texts are encoded with metadata according to guidelines of the Text Encoding Initiative, which maintains a standard for the representation of texts in digital form.
Home to the largest open access archive in philosophy.