Your interlibrary loan request will be fulfilled by our lending library partners in two different ways depending on the item's format.
Print Book / Physical Media ILL Requests
If you have requested a print book or physical media (ex. a DVD), you can track the status of your request by signing into your account in Copley's library catalog. Once you sign in, go to My Requests under your account:
In My Requests, you will see the current status of your request:
Once your item arrives at Copley Library, you will be notified via email to come check out your request. After you checkout the item, it will be listed under My Loans in your library account:
Electronic Journal Article or Book Chapter Requests
If you have requested an electronic (digital) copy of a journal article or book chapter, you can track the status of your request by signing into your account in Copley's library catalog. Once you sign in, go to My Requests under your account:
In My Requests, you will see the current status of your request:
You will receive an email with a link to download your requested article or book chapter.
You will also be able to see your requested article and download it from the updated request in your account within the library catalog's My Requests section: