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Liberal Studies 495: Finding Resources

Search Tips

Penfield Library. (2014. February 3). Basic Boolean [Video file]. Retrieved from

Boolean Operators (And, Or, Not)

Use to connect dissimilar terms

inclusion AND "academic achievement"

Use to search synonyms or related terms

primary OR elementary

“Second Language Acquisition” OR “English Second Language”

Use to eliminate a term

cloning NOT sheep

Other useful tips

Quotation Marks

Use quotation marks to search for an exact phrase or name:

  • "classroom management"
  • "Race to the Top"
  • "Tom Torlakson "


Use a symbol (typically *) to look for variant endings of a word

  • teach* will search for teaches, teacher, teaching, etc.​


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Once you have an item's call number, see our floor plans to find out where it's located in the library.

If a book is not available at USD there are two options:

  1. Circuit 
    his is a combined catalog for USD, SDSU, UCSD, CSU San Marcos and San Diego County Public Libraries. If you find the book you need in the Circuit you can simply make an online request and have the book delivered to USD.
  2.  Interlibrary Loan
    If a book is not available through the Circuit, or if USD does not have access to a particular article, you can make an interlibrary loan request. ILLiad is the electronic system you use to request an item through Interlibrary Loan. To make a request, simply log in with your MySanDiego username and password.