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Trans-Border Institute: Journals

Welcome to the LibGuide for the Trans-Border Institute (TBI). Here you will find databases and other resources (print and online) to help you with your research on Mexican and Latin American politics, history, economics, and culture.

Peer-Reviewed Journals

Peer-reviewed journals, also known as Refereed Journals or Scholarly Journals, are...

  • scholarly journals with articles that have been critically evaluated and approved by several scholars (expert peer-reviewers) before inclusion in a journal, not just by an editor.
  • reviewed by peers to assess the quality of the methodology, data, and conclusions presented.

Peer review lends credibility to the article because the process confirms the reliability of the data and the findings of the research.

Verify that a journal is peer-reviewed with Ulrich's Periodical Directory

Newspapers at Copley / Periódicos en Copley

Click title for holdings record:

Tijuana, B.C.:






Journals in Print

A selection of print journals at Copley. Click to view catalog record:

Cuadernos hispanoamericanos

Revista iberoamericana

Latin American literary review


Newspapers Online / Periódicos en línea

Local - Tijuana:


Zeta (revista semanaria)


National/Nacional - México:

El Mexicano

El Universal 

La Jornada

Mexican Law Review

Proceso (revista semanaria)


España  y resto de Iberoamérica:

Clarín - Argentina

La Nación - Argentina

Granma international - Cuba

El Mundo - España

El País - España


Página  de MIT Libraries de periódicos en español en linea/Foreign Language News and Newspapers in Spanish  

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