In peer-reviewed journals, also known as refereed journals or scholarly journals:
Peer review lends credibility to the article by confirming that the research meets the standards of the scholarly community.
Verify that a journal is peer-reviewed with Ulrich's Periodical Directory
Search any of these databases to find articles from peer-reviewed journals in Political Science.
The descriptions below contain search tips.
Check the "Scholarly (Peer Reviewed) Journals" box for a journal article search. ISCTRC provides a comprehensive Open Source Intelligence Resource for analysts, risk management professionals, and students. Content includes hundreds of full text journals and periodicals, hundreds of thousands of selected articles, news feeds, reports, summaries, books, blogs, FAQs, and proprietary Background Information Summaries that pertain to terrorism and security.
Citation indexes can help you to identify articles and to track citations (see who is citing whom). They generally do not provide full-text access to articles.
Use the library catalog to find out if USD has the article you need, or use ILL to request it from another library.