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Medieval and Renaissance Studies

Digitized Books

  • Internet Archive - a non-profit Internet library, with the purpose of offering permanent access for researchers, historians, and scholars to historical collections that exist in digital format.

  • Project Gutenberg is the first and largest single collection of free electronic books.
  • Google Books - search thousands of books online. Full-text access depends on copyright restrictions.

Online Reference Works

Digitized Primary Sources

Image Galleries

The Morgan Library and Museum
The image gallery includes only a selection of this collection, which contains a large number of manuscripts from Western countries, along with some manuscripts from the Middle East and Northern Africa. Most are religious in nature, but there are also works dealing with some sciences and day-to-day life.

New York Public Library Medieval and Renaissance Illuminated Manuscripts from Western Europe
This image gallery from the NYPL contains over 2,000 images of manuscript pages dated from the 9th through the 16th centuries.

University of Oxford Medieval and Renaissance Manuscripts
There are 25,000 images digitized from 35mm slides. The collection contains mainly Western illuminated manuscripts. Other collections of interest from the University of Oxford include Early Printing in Europe and Western Manuscripts. 

Digital Scriptorium
This database collects images of Medieval and Renaissance manuscripts from 40 institutions. Users can browse by location or language, perform keyword searches, and limit searches to manuscripts with images.

Beinecke Rare Book & Manuscript Library
This collection holds digitized images of Medieval and Renaissance materials from Yale's Beinecke Library.

Digital Public Library of America
The DPLA is a fast-growing portal to digitized collections from all over the U.S. Particularly useful for finding Medieval and Renaissance-era materials is the Timeline tool, which allows users to limit in spans of about a hundred years starting at the year 1000.

A huge portal like the DPLA, Europeana sources digitized media from libraries all over Europe, including a large body of images and audio files.

Online Exhibits and Interactive Sources

Victoria and Albert Museum
These interactive exhibits allow users to explore the Medieval and Renaissance-era holdings of the museum in greater depth.

From Manuscript to Print: The Evolution of the Medieval Book
Cornell's online exhibit uses digitized examples to illustrate different types of books and writing from the 9th through the 15th centuries.

French Resources

Iberian Resources

  • LIBRO - The library of Iberian resources online

Italian Resources