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Latin American Studies: Useful Websites


  • LANIC - Latin American Network Information Center
  • HLAS - Handbook of Latin American Studies
  • LatIndex - Sistema Regional de Información en Línea para Revistas Científicas de América Latina, el Caribe, España y Portugal - is the cooperation of institutions that coordinate the dissemination of science serials' bibliographic information produced in the region

Professional Organizations

  • SALALM-Seminar on the Acquisition of Latin American Library Materials  
    SALALM's primary missions are the control and dissemination of bibliographic information about all types of Latin American publications and the development of library collections of Latin Americana in support of educational research.
  • LASA-Latin American Studies Association  
    LASA's mission is to foster intellectual discussion, research, and teaching on Latin America, the Caribbean, and its people throughout the Americas.
  • Caribbean Studies Association  
    The Caribbean Studies Association (CSA) is an independent professional organization devoted to the promotion of Caribbean studies from a multidisciplinary, multicultural point of view.