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Copley Library Interlibrary Loan: What Is Interlibrary Loan at Copley Library?

This guide provides instructions for requesting resources from other libraries through Copley Library's interlibrary loan service.

Copley Library strives to offer a library collection that satisfies all research needs for the USD community.  When a resource is not available from our library collection, we will request to borrow the resource from another library on your behalf.  These resource sharing requests, through tools like interlibrary loan, exponentially expand your access to information!  

With the library's recent migration to a new catalog platform (an Ex Libris product), we also implemented a new method (called Rapido) through our library catalog for offering to request resources from our partnerships with other libraries.  You can also use the tabs in this guide for step-by-step instructions to request resources from other libraries using the library catalog or using the blank ILL form.