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GSBA 500: Sustainable Strategies for the Entrepreneurial Manager : Citing Your Sources

This guide was designed for Dr. Nichole Wissman's class. This guide includes links to library resources and services.

Cite Your Sources!

When writing a paper or creating a project, you need to cite everything that you did not write or create yourself. This includes articles, books, maps, videos, statistics. Citing your sources means that you follow a specific format to show what source you used. Below are some examples:

Citing an article: Kim, D., & Ra, Y. (2015). What impacts success in college? Findings from the perceptions of Korean students. College Student Journal, 49(1), 161-168.

Citing a book: Santrock, J., & Halonen, J. (2010). Your guide to college success: Strategies for achieving your goals (6th ed.). Boston, MA: Wadsworth Cengage Learning.

Citation Tool

Citation Manuals - APA and MLA