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Professional Seminar Resources for Graduate Students: Citing Your Sources

This guide provides links to library and web resources for MSBA 509 and other professional courses.on business careers and company information. This guide was designed based on the company investigation assignment from the course.

Cite Your Sources!

When writing a paper or creating a project, you need to cite everything that you did not write or create yourself. This includes articles, books, maps, videos, statistics. Citing your sources means that you follow a specific format to show what source you used. Below are some examples:

Citing an article: Kim, D., & Ra, Y. (2015). What impacts success in college? Findings from the perceptions of Korean students. College Student Journal, 49(1), 161-168.

Citing a book: Santrock, J., & Halonen, J. (2010). Your guide to college success: Strategies for achieving your goals (6th ed.). Boston, MA: Wadsworth Cengage Learning.

Citation Tool

Citation Manuals - APA and MLA