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ARTH 384: Treasures of Medieval Islamic Art: Web and Reference Sources

This guide is focused on the history of the art and architecture of the medieval Islamic world in regions that border the Mediterranean basin—from The Levant (Lebanon, Israel, Syria, Palestine, and Jordan), Spain and North Africa to Egypt and Anatolia (Tu

Selected Electronic Resources

Museum Websites

Online Reference Sources

Primary Sources

Primary sources are the evidence of history, original records or objects created by participants or observers at the time historical events occurred or even well after events, as in memoirs and oral histories. Primary sources may include but are not limited to: letters, manuscripts, diaries, journals, newspapers, maps, architectural plans, speeches, interviews, documents produced by government agencies, photographs, audio or video recordings, born-digital items (e.g. emails), research data, and objects or artifacts (such as works of art or ancient roads, buildings, tools, and weapons). These sources serve as the raw materials historians use to interpret and analyze the past.