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Digital Humanities: DH Community

This guide introduces concepts, resources, and organizations related to the field of digital humanities.

Groups and Organizations

Digital Humanities Now


Digital Humanities Now 
Digital Humanities Now is an experimental, edited publication that highlights and distributes informally published digital humanities scholarship and resources from the open web. Since 2009, DH Now has been refining processes of aggregation, discovery, curation, and review to open and extend conversations about the digital humanities research and practice. Find announcements, job postings, funding opportunities, conferences / CFPs, reports, and more.


Digital Humanities SoCal





Digital Humanities SoCal
Mary Litch (Chapman University) and Jana Remy (UCI and Chapman University) created the DH SoCal site in 2010 with the hope that it would evolve into a virtual meeting place and bulletin board for events relevant to faculty, students and support staff in southern California with an interest in digital humanities. DH SoCal is a collaborative network of professionals from various fields in the digital humanities. It has no governing body, governing rules, or dues. Twitter users may wish to follow @dhsocal and add #dhsocal to any Tweets related to digital humanities in Southern California.

Humanist Discussion Group





Humanist Discussion Group

Humanist is an international seminar on digital humanities founded in 1987. Its aim is to provide a forum for discussion of intellectual, scholarly, pedagogical, and social issues and for exchange of information among participants. Humanist is a publication of the Alliance of Digital Humanities Organizations (ADHO) and an affiliated publication of the American Council of Learned Societies. For more information on the activities of the world-wide digital humanities community and for ways to get involved see the ADHO website.

DH slack channel


Digital Humanities Slack
The Digital Humanities Slack is a set of informal, connected chat rooms for the digital humanities, with over 50 "channels" (chat rooms) devoted to specific topics such as DH teaching, coding, and conferences. Come join us! Absolutely no DH background is required.

Conferences and Events




HILT: Humanities Intensive Learning and Teaching  

HILT is a 5-day training institute that includes keynotes, ignite talks, and local cultural heritage excursions for researchers, students, early career scholars and cultural heritage professionals who seek to learn more about Digital Humanities theory, practice, and culture. In addition to the conference’s day-time sessions, participants can enjoy opportunities to explore the city through local dining and special events.


DHSI: Digital Humanities Summer Institute

The Digital Humanities Summer Institute provides an ideal environment for discussing and learning about new computing technologies and how they are influencing teaching, research, dissemination, creation, and preservation in different disciplines, via a community-based approach. A time of intensive coursework, seminars, and lectures, participants at DHSI share ideas and methods, and develop expertise in using advanced technologies. Every summer, the institute brings together faculty, staff, and students from the Arts, Humanities, Library, and Archives communities as well as independent scholars and participants from areas beyond.


Annual Conference of the Alliance of Digital Humanities Organizations






Annual Conference of the Alliance of Digital Humanities Organizations (ADHO)

The ADHO organizes and sponsors an annual conference. The first joint conference was held in 1989 at the University of Toronto. That event was the 16th annual meeting of ALLC (Association of Literary and Linguistic Computing) and the ninth annual meeting of the ACH (Association for Computers and the Humanities)-sponsored International Conference on Computers and the Humanities (ICCH). Since then, the joint conference has grown to include additional organizations, and it has been held in cities around the world.