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Data Analysis Software

Resources to help you use qualitative & mixed methods data analysis software like NVivo & Dedoose

About Lumivero NVivo

NVivo is a qualitative data analysis (QDA) package used to organize and analyze data in documents, audio, video, images, spreadsheets and database tables, literature reviews and bibliographies, web pages, social media content, and more. The software allows users to work with large amounts of data in many languages and supports a wide range of research methodologies.
The University of San Diego will end institutional support of NVivo for tenure-track faculty & graduate students on June 30, 2024. Current NVivo users will receive information regarding next steps during June 2024.
These vendor videos provides a good introduction to the QSR NVivo software.

NVivo (Windows) vs NVivo (Mac)

NVivo on Windows and Mac are separate software applications with different project file formats (file extensions: .nvp for Windows and .nvpx for Mac). You can convert projects between the platforms however there are limitations such that, while you may be able to successfully convert a project on a once-off basis (e.g. changing to a new computer) it is not recommended that you move projects between platforms as part of an ongoing workflow.

There are important differences between Windows and Mac projects that you should be aware of before converting:

  • Mac projects can be up to 512 GB compared to 10 GB for Windows, so Mac projects over 10 GB cannot be converted.
  • NVivo Mac does not have all of the features of the Windows version. Project items created by features not present in Mac are hidden in projects converted to and opened in NVivo Mac.

IMPORTANT  Unsupported items are not deleted when a project is converted to Mac—only hidden. If the project is converted back into Windows format the items appear again. Therefore, unless you are confident the project will never return to Windows, do not to delete items that may depend on Windows functions e.g. empty folders that might contain framework matrices, or queries dependent on dynamic sets.

The following features are not present in NVivo Mac:

  • Compound and group queries
  • See-also links
  • Annotations in audios, videos, pictures and datasets
  • Dynamic sets
  • Framework matrices
  • Sentiment coding
  • Relationship coding
  • Social network analysis
  • Cluster analysis
  • Project maps
  • Reports

Content from Converting projects between Windows and Mac

NVivo Software Guides, Manuals, & Tutorials

NVivo Tutorials & Resources

The top video, NVivo and the Dissertation Literature Review, is only viewable on YouTube. Click on "Watch on YouTube"  or go to The video description on YouTube is as follows: Not sure how to navigate your dissertation journey? See how NVivo can help explore diverse approaches to a literature review; as well as share tips for connecting the literature review to the ongoing data collection and analysis.


Use Worldcat to search for more Nvivo texts & request them via Copley's ILL.