Dedoose is a cloud-based research and evaluation data analysis application (REDA). Dedoose supports both qualitative and mixed methods approaches to data analysis in a secure and collaborative environment. ~ from website
Dedoose's website includes a concise library of tutorial videos on topics like account setup, working with coding, and working with different resource formats (e.g., pdfs or mp4).
The Dedoose Learning Center also includes articles and additional support.
(screenshot included for reference)
General format:
Dedoose Version 9.0.107, cloud application for managing, analyzing, and presenting qualitative and mixed method research data (2023). Los Angeles, CA: SocioCultural Research Consultants, LLC.
APA 7th:
Dedoose (Version 9.0.107) [Computer software]. SocioCultural Research Consultants, LLC. www.
Note: The version number and year in the example above is shown in bold and italicized text as a reminder to please use the most updated version and year at the time of your publication. The current version number is noted on our download article right under the introduction or on the bottom of the login screen. ~ from website