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Architecture: BORDER (E)SCAPES & ECOLOGIES: Images & Text Citations

This research guide supports ARCH 101 Introduction to Architecture Studio "Border (E)scapes" and ARCH 302 "Border Ecologies". It highlights research related to architecture within the larger urban territory and considers social and environmental impacts.

Chicago Manual of Style 17th Edition

Book Citation Elements:

  • Author(s)' and Editor(s)' Names
  • Book Title
  • Publisher name and location
  • Publication Date (Year only)
Bibliography Template:

Last Name, First Name. Title of Book. Place of Publication: Publisher, Year of Publication.

Notes Template:

First Name Last Name, Title of Book (Place of publication: Publisher, Year of publication), page number.


Journal Article Citation Elements:

  • Author (if given)
  • Article Title
  • Journal Title
  • Volume number (list number only)
  • Issue number (list as no.#)
  • Publication Date (Month Year OR Year only)
  • Include page numbers of article
Bibliography Template:

Last Name, First Name. "Article Title." Journal Title. Volume #, Issue no. (Month Year): page numbers.

Notes Template:

First Name Last Name, "Article title," Journal Title volume number, issue no. (Publication date): page number(s). 

Image Figure Caption Template:

Figure 1: Creator, Title and/or description, Date, Location. (Citation for image source) Image Credit: Photographer/Source/Rights Holder.
  • Creator (Typically the architect(s) or firm of the built work, if known)
  • Title (Name of built work or a description. Optionally, you can include both, by naming the building and describing what view the image gives of the build work.)
  • Date (Typically completion date of the built work. If not indicate [begun, consecrated, demolished, etc.] before the date)
  • Location (if known)
  • Citation for the source of image (where you found the image)
    • Website: article author, article title, website name, date posted (all if known)
    • Image Database: Database name
    • Journal Article: article author, article title, volume, issue, date, page number
    • Book: book author, book title, publication city, publisher, date, page number
  • Image credit (Photographer, Source, Rights holder, optional to include the date of the photograph/image if known)

Example 1:

Figure 1: Andrea Palladio, Palazzo Valmarana, 1565, Vicenza, Veneto, Italy. (TTU Arch Design Images) Image Credit: Elizabeth Sasser