These are just a few of the resources available through Copley Library at USD.
You are strongly encouraged to contact Steve Staninger
at for personalized research assistance.
Factiva includes the Dow Jones and Reuters news wires, The Wall Street Journal and over 8,000 other magazines, newspapers, and trade journals from a wide variety of disciplines.
Includes information on 10 million business, including officers, addresses, sales, subsidiaries, branches. etc. Updated monthly.
Includes Standard & Poor's Industry Surveys, Stock Reports, Corporation Records, The Register of Corporations, Directors and Executives, The Outlook, and Mutual Fund Reports.
Census Information
In peer-reviewed journals, also known as refereed journals or scholarly journals:
Peer review lends credibility to the article by confirming that the research meets the standards of the scholarly community.
Verify that a journal is peer-reviewed with Ulrich's Periodical Directory
Mintel offers a series of research reports covering the US and European marketplace. Each market research report combines data & analysis of the competitive landscape, market-share analysis and consumer profiles. Complex demographic issues are broken into easy-to-understand sections, explaining consumer behavior and demonstrating the structure of the market.
Includes information on 10 million business, including officers, addresses, sales, subsidiaries, branches. etc. Updated monthly.
Factiva includes the Dow Jones and Reuters news wires, The Wall Street Journal and over 8,000 other magazines, newspapers, and trade journals from a wide variety of disciplines.